Shoot for French Revolver | Q&A-Hair Modeling Work

A few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to be invited back for another photoshoot with the French Revolver Studio. It is for a hair competition and we’re still waiting for the actual photos that were taken on the day. I have had a few queries about hair modeling from some readers so I’ll just answer them below.

I walked into the salon with an open mind and had no idea what they were going to do to my hair and also agreed to whatever they said they were going to do. What I think is that hairdressers know what they are doing, they would never make your hair look ugly or make it so that it doesn’t suit you (well especially in this case as it is a hair competition to show off the hairdresser’s style and technique). It’s like if you go see a medical doctor you wouldn’t argue with their diagnosis because they know more than you do.

I have been a hair model on and off for about 3 years now and it’s just awesome what opportunities that these jobs bring and the wonderful people you meet. If you ever get the opportunity to do something like this, take it. Yea it might be a bit scary to begin with if you are getting your long locks chopped to shoulder length, but hair grows back.

Perks of the job

Free cuts, colour, treatment (I even got the Keratin treatment done for nothing (review coming shortly)) and products.

Height issue: 

The other thing about hair modeling work is that it often suits those for fall short of the fashion model requirement. As often with photos they are only mid shots or face shots. At 163cm, I wouldn’t be booked for fashion jobs. As the hairdressers really want to showcase the hair, they will often overlook the height factor in some cases, I have done 2 relatively big named catwalk shows including one for KMS as part of the NZ fashion week and one for The Long Lunch for the opening of Ponsonby Central and I would have never dreamt of doing anything of the like.

I hope that answers most of the questions, feel free to comment or email me ( if you want more information.


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